Liberal expressions of unity defang the true radicalism of antiracist and anticapitalist movements. Real solidarity is understanding that your struggle is my struggle and that our greatest allies are each other.
"Tommorow's Harvest" does not merely mourn the world that was. It seems to wonder at the world ours could still become. This push and pull between present and future is what keeps me returning to the album; it paints a better world that is out of reach, but still tantalizingly close, just inches away through a synthesizer veil.
The capitalist state harms human life, brutalizes communities, and reinforces oppressive hierarchies — forms of violence that make property damage pale in comparison.
The workers who are being exploited, the students who were abruptly cut off from the tenuous lifeline of Harvard’s on-campus support system, and any other allies must unify to stand against the university’s laser focus on its corporate interests. The conflict here is simple. This is class war.