60.6 F
Monday, March 31, 2025
60.6 F
Monday, March 31, 2025
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Max Novendstern

66 Articles

The Real Facebook Revolution

“What’s important here,” Lessig says, in his characteristically vehement way, “is that Zuckerberg’s genius could be embraced by half-a-billion people within six years of its first being launched, without (and here is the critical bit) asking permission of anyone.”

The Edwards Middle School Writes About Politics

For the past ten weeks, writers from the Harvard Political Review have been meeting with 6th graders from the Clarence R Edwards Middle School in...

Why do we read the news?

James Fallows’ awesomely-titled article on the future of journalism – “Learning to Love the (Shallow, Divisive, Unreliable) New Media” – is well worth reading in...

From the Editor

Take a look at the magazine in your hands. Ask yourself: Why bother? What can “student journalists,” those youthful folks who put this magazine...

Machiavellian Not Neoconservative

Andrew Sullivan gives us his blistering take on the neoconservative legacy: he neocons might be better defined as aggressive democracy-promoters who actually don't like real...

Is the Rally Enough?

It's been a joy watching rallies erupt all across the world. From late February to early March alone, we've seen rallies in the Middle...

What is Gov 2.0?

Here's a talk I gave last semester on the subject of "What is Gov 2.0?" It begins a bit slowly; you might want skip...

Tea Party Populism

Tea Party members consider themselves "workers" above all else. We've been down this road before...

Liveblogging Eric Cantor at the IOP

Liveblogging House majority leader Eric Cantor's event at the Institute of Politics.

Facebook Democracy

Cross posted from the ACE forum on Egyptian Democracy. After nearly two weeks of turmoil, it looks like Tahrir Square is starting to empty out....