42.7 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025
42.7 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025
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Sam Barr

0 Articles

The Paper of Record Becomes a Parody of Itself

The New York Times often caters to the upscale tastes of its (quickly dwindling) readership: the Style section, the theater reviews, the wedding announcements....

More of the Same?

Over at my favored conservative haunt, Victor Davis Hanson argues that Obama, while posturing himself in opposition to the Bush economic record, is actually...

Built Ford Tough

Ford today reiterated that, despite its less than rosy business prospects, it does not want federal aid. Now that's refreshing. Like a brand-new F-150,...

How Roland Burris Helped Me Study For My Con-Law Exam

As I studied for my ConLaw final, this question popped into my head: How can people claim to be able to wring objective meaning...

A New Front in the Abortion Debate?

I wrote in the most recent issue of the HPR that the Supreme Court would be unlikely to dramatically alter its abortion...

Shorten the Transition Period

Ah, the transition period. Yes, these might just be the longest eleven weeks in our nation's history, as our economy teeters on...

It Matters What Caused It!

When I first heard Gov. Sarah Palin say, in the vice-presidential debate, that she would not "attribute every activity of man to the changes...