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Monday, March 31, 2025
60.6 F
Monday, March 31, 2025
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Sam Barr

0 Articles

Beck and Napolitano Conveniently Overlook the Sixteenth Amendment

I realize it might be perilous to take seriously the extreme constitutional vision put forward on Glenn Beck's program, but I'm watching his special...

Thin Skin at Reason Magazine

Christopher Beam has a long feature in New York magazine on "The Trouble with Liberty," that is, with libertarianism. I liked the piece, but...

Peter Orszag, Co-Optation, and Progressivism

Check out Will Wilkinson's post on Peter Orszag's disappointing decision to cash in at Citigroup. First Wilkinson suggests that this sort of co-optation of government...

Weighing In: Class-Based Affirmative Action Good, But Arguments Against Race-Based Affirmative Action Still Bad

Peter Bozzo has posted a very thorough reply to my reply to his column which argued that we should replace race-based affirmative action with...

This is Not Journalism: Politico Edition, Starring Jonathan Allen

Jonathan Allen has a long piece on Politico that is one long excoriation of immature liberals who won't grow up and let the Obama-orchestrated...

The Uselessness of "Public Opinion" on Don't Ask Don't Tell

One point that stands out to me about the failure to repeal "Don't Ask Don't Tell" is the irrelevance of public opinion on this...

Re: Class-Based Affirmative Action Again

Peter Bozzo writes in today's Crimson in favor of switching from race-based to class-based affirmative action. He makes a very strong case, but I...

George Will Comes Out as a Judicial Liberal

George Will apparently wants the Supreme Court to overturn the individual mandate---the requirement that Americans purchase health insurance. As Jonathan Chait points out, Will...

The Winter 2010 HPR is Now Online!

COVERS SECTION: The Obama Doctrine: Does America Have a Foreign Policy? The Reset with Russia: Two years of "da" to a new partnership. By Joshua...

From the Editor

The HPR recently released a special online-only report examining the U.S. federal budget—the Annual Report of the United States of America (available at AnnualReportUSA.com)....