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Monday, March 31, 2025
60.6 F
Monday, March 31, 2025
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Sam Barr

0 Articles

An Admissions Lottery?

In today's Crimson, Dylan Matthews has a provocative column arguing that Harvard ought to randomize its admissions process. Dylan claims that Harvard's current admissions...

In Defense of the Crimson's Article on HRC Elections

I'm not exactly known for my warm feelings towards the Harvard Crimson, but I'll defend their decision to run an article about the allegations...

The Fall 2010 HPR is Online!

COVERS SECTION: No Grad Left Behind?: The State of Higher Education in America Class Conflict: The debate over class-based affirmative action. By Peter Bozzo and...

From the Editor

You wouldn't know it from flipping through the magazine, which has the same old look, but there have been some new goings-on at the...

Poll at Your Peril

This column first appeared in the Harvard Independent. In the weeks before Election Day, we were besieged by polling data, breathlessly conveyed as breaking...

Review of “Waiting for Superman”

This column originally appeared in the Oct. 14 Harvard Independent. Also see Adam's post yesterday on this subject. This weekend I saw Davis Guggenheim’s documentary,...

Harvard's Selective Anti-Bigotry

This column was originally published in the Sept. 30 Harvard Independent. It responds directly to Max's blog post from the previous week. Harvard’s position on...

The Gender Imbalance in Campus Opinion/Political Media

In the last couple years, we at HPR have noticed a growing gender imbalance in the makeup of our staff. Of the 16 current...

Marty Peretz, the Harvard Crimson, and Anti-Muslim Hysteria

I was disappointed to read The Crimson's editorial this morning regarding Martin Peretz and the Harvard research fellowship that is apparently going to be...

The Emperors Have No Disclose

It was a little skirmish in a summer of big political battles. But the defeat of the DISCLOSE Act, a modest campaign finance reform...