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Saturday, October 5, 2024
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Sam Barr

0 Articles

Final Clubs and Gender Relations

In today's Harvard Crimson, Daniel Herz-Roiphe has written an unusually articulate, well-argued entry in the perennial "Why Final Clubs Are Still Really Bad" essay...

Weighing In: Are Interns Slaves?

In dueling editorials, two sets of Crimson editors opined today on the federal crack-down on unpaid internships. I'm with the pro-payment crowd, but I...

Lead the HPR's Summer Pilot Project

The HPR is looking for TWO PAID, PART-TIME EDITORS to lead a web-based project this summer. (Harvard undergrads only) The editors will lead...

Do Democrats Need to Get Religion?

Raul Carrillo has a column in today's Crimson arguing that Democrats need to become better at the "politics of spirituality." Such exhortations often contain an...

An Embarrassment to Harvard Conservatives

In case you aren't sick of the subject, I have written a full-length take-down of the recent Harvard Salient article on Ethnic Studies. It...

The Most Salienty Salient Article Ever

In the new Harvard Salient, Patrick T. Brennan has achieved the Platonic ideal of a Salient article: equal measures of pure arrogance, submerged racism,...

Mini-Kristols in the Crimson

In today's Crimson, Colin Motley and Caleb Weatherl knock off most of the requirements for your standard anti-Obamacare hit piece. Invocation of public opinion without...

The Folly of Perry v. Schwarzenegger

In my latest Harvard Independent column, I argue that the legal challenge to Proposition 8 in a California federal court may end up backfiring...

Do Harvard Students Try to Pass for Poor?

James McAuley asks today in the Harvard Crimson: "What is it with Harvard students and pretending to be poor?" James is a polite guy, so...

Tweet Summary of Halperin/Heilemann Forum

Can you blog Tweets? I don't know, but let's give this a try. For those of you who couldn't spend an hour and a...