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Saturday, October 5, 2024
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Sam Barr

0 Articles

Live-Tweeting Mark Halperin and John Heilemann

Starting at 6pm or roughly thereabouts, I'll be live-tweeting the IOP Forum with "Game Change" authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann. Hopefully they've got some...

Why I’m Leaving the Country (A Loving Spoof of Evan Bayh)

In Saturday's New York Times, Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) penned a long article entitled “Why I'm Leaving the Senate,” citing “institutional inertia” and frustration...

HuffPost College Launches

HuffPost College, a new offshoot of the budding online media empire, launched today. Like the regular HuffPost, it is a strange but fascinating blend...

Harvard’s Supposed Crisis of Faith

Newsweek's Lisa Miller spills a lot of ink and raises a lot of dust in her article on "Harvard's Crisis of Faith." But her...

Paterson's Problems

The NYT's expose on Governor David Paterson is riveting and ultimately damning. This is the kind of journalism we need more of. Maybe individual...

Harvard and the Tea Party

I really don't understand the impulse among many Harvard students (if the Crimson is any guide) to pat the Tea Partiers on the head...

Ross Douthat's Phony Moderateness

Ross Douthat says "Let's Make a Deal" on health care reform. Analyzing some choice quotes will illustrate his faux-centrism and tendency towards false equivalence. "The...

Anti-Atheist Prejudice: Response to the Salient's Response

I'm glad to see my Crimson column of October 18 is still getting some attention! I had written that discrimination against atheists, both in...

Lesson's From Today's "Morning Joe"

  You can learn a lot by watching TV, it turns out! Here's what I learned by watching this morning's "Morning Joe." First, it's okay to...

Perry: The New Loving?

In today's Crimson, Avishai Don argues that, if California's voter-approved gay marriage ban is upheld in the courts, it will "legitimize the concerns of...