35 F
Saturday, February 22, 2025
35 F
Saturday, February 22, 2025
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William Leiter

0 Articles

What Are You Doing Next Year?

The moral implications of picking a career

The Bipartisan Health Care Summit

Today President Obama announced "that he would convene a half-day bipartisan health care session at the White House to be televised live this month,...

Letter from the Editor

On Jan. 17, 1925 President Calvin Coolidge remarked that the "business of the American people is business." Pundits and politicians invoke this often-cited dictum...

Letter from the Editor

The HPR has a unique process for choosing covers topics. Before the selection meeting, staff and contributors submit proposals with a brief description of...

From the Editor

When the HPR selected Urban America as the summer covers topic, I immediately cautioned our Covers Editor that the section could not just be...

From the Editor

Times are tough. In just the last few weeks the Dow Jones fell to a level not seen since 1997 and the unemployment rate...