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Sunday, October 20, 2024
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1712 Articles

Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson

The HPR interviews the celebrated astrophysicist and television host.

Lyric Videos: Winning Listeners Back

Humza Bokhari looks at the rising fad of lyric videos.

Morsi Wins: Alexandria's Electoral Celebration

As Alexandria celebrates Mohamed Morsi's election, I'll be keeping abreast of revolutionary developments in Egypt's second city.

The Corporate Kingmaker

SuperPACs weren't the only organizations empowered by Citizens United.

Earth Summit Part II: Of Ethics and Markets

The Earth Summit and its participants consider the ethical and economic implications of their sustainability initiatives.

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President Obama's Higher Education Initiative

International Adoption’s Trafficking Problem

Uncovering the hidden realities of international adoption

The American Royals

The Court and the queen share more than their exalted status.

Earth Summit Part I: 'The Future We Want'

The UN Earth Summit is attempting to reimagine the measure of human welfare in a world of finite natural resources.

A Stroll Down Judenstrasse

We need to acknowledge that de facto segregation—of schools, of neighborhoods—is still segregation.