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Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Race Across Borders: My Reclamation of Indigeneity | PRE X Culture

Fear of being called Indigenous or Black amongst Latines of mixed-race heritage is a symptom of the plague of colorism. In claiming our Blackness and/or Indigeneity, Latines resist the seeming ubiquity of Eurocentrism. I ask you to embrace your roots.

Blurred Lines: Equal Protection and Affirmative Action

To what extent is affirmative action jurisprudence influenced by justices’ substantive views on racial preferences, namely the effects of affirmative action and the value of diversity?

The Persuasion Principle in Campus Speech

David Strauss’ persuasion principle animates our discussion of free speech on university campuses

Is Abortion Irreconcilable? Insights from Jurisprudence and Same-Sex Marriage

We can draw insights from same-sex marriage and the Supreme Court’s approach to abortion in evaluating the fate of abortion in America.

Artificial Majorities: How the Brexit Realignment Hinders Labour’s Electoral Prospects

Brexit was a catalyst for partisan realignment around the Leave-Remain divide, with Conservatives gaining Leavers and Labour capturing Remainers. But given the poor geographic apportionment of Remain voters across the U.K.’s electoral districts, a Labour coalition built mainly on Remain support faces an uphill battle in first-past-the-post elections.

Point of No Return: The Authoritarian Parties

The “race to the right” has enabled a rebirth of right-wing authoritarianism in ostensibly liberal democracies at an unprecedented scale, calling the future of the democratic order into question.

A Rose by Any Other Name: The “Socialist” Parties

"Socialist” parties are not only endangering themselves by losing the support of the working class, but they are endangering the entirety of left-wing politics by forcing the splinter of the left-of-center front.

Involuntary Servitude: How Prison Labor is Modern Day Slavery

While one may argue that incarcerated people should be satisfied to have any work or income at all, the conditions of their “employment” are not livable.

Mother or Money? The Exorbitant Cost of Phone Calls from Jail

Human connection is a human right. A child should always be able to talk to their parents; a partner should always be given the right to talk to their significant other.

Over Before It Begins: The Centralist Parties

Across the world, “democracies” are hiding powerful authoritarian structures that allow parties to write the rules of the game they play, producing an inherent bias that only further undermines the nature of their democracy.