63.6 F
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
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Voting is Essential in the Face of COVID-19

If young people are to fulfill their potential to sway the 2020 election in the time of COVID-19, we must ensure that newfound structural barriers to voting don’t depress our turnout rates even more.

How Restructuring Our Economy Could’ve Prepared Us for This Pandemic

If our economy cannot withstand a pause of a few weeks, we have an economy that is far too fragile for the fat-tailed nature of real life.

Removing Structural Barriers to Let the Youth Vote

Young people turn out to the polls less not because they are apathetic about voting but rather, because they face structural barriers to doing so. Harvard Votes Challenge is working to change that.

How Urbanism Will Help Solve Climate Change

Environmental urbanism has the potential to thrive as a model for future development; all it needs are policy changes that resolve the housing affordability crisis in cities.

Finding the Future in the Past

Do not believe that staying up-to-date on the newest trends in academia will better prepare you for the future than reading old ideas.

A Call for Intersectional YIMBYism

Amidst a historic housing crisis in the United States, there is a burgeoning YIMBY movement — a movement of people saying “Yes In My Backyard” to affordable housing. This movement works to push back on local anti-housing sentiments in many high-cost communities, which reflect a culture known as NIMBYism or saying “Not In My Backyard” to affordable housing.

Online Fever: The Subversive Social Media Activism Movement

In June 2019, Sudan’s capital city of Khartoum was rattled by a violent government crackdown on pro-democracy protests. Security forces killed and wounded hundreds...

When Campaign Politics Meet Campus Politics

Though they are in competition with each other for student and public support, Harvard student campaign subgroups are united in their collective goal of encouraging and deepening youth civic engagement.

Vote Warren for a Pro-Housing President

A President Warren would represent the best chance out of the 2020 field to revitalize the American housing market.

The Hatred of Comedy

When I inevitably quit comedy, I’ll tell people the truest version of the story: that I started writing it to feel like myself again until it came at the expense of that very thing, and I’d rather be human and occasionally funny than funny and occasionally human.