While the problematic side of the artist may not always show in the art, it is a copout to separate the art from the artist, especially when we ourselves rarely do so in real life.
Through her art, Beyoncé has fostered empathy and understanding, breaking down barriers and promoting compassion amongst her audience, an impact that will hopefully resonate throughout society and preach the principles of acceptance.
Each author of our magazine reasons through what is political about art but also what is artful about politics and why both are essential to a humane and self-critical polity.
This organization and the speculation around Manchin are attracting significant acknowledgement because more than ever, the American public does indeed seem to want a third option. Could that be Manchin?
Looking toward the future of fashion influencing, it’s imperative that sustainable fashion adopts a more mainstream role to discourage overconsumption and normalize considering the impact of one’s purchase.