The Biden-Harris administration acknowledged the rockiness of the initiative’s start, but promised that “though our politicians may not be able to govern, they sure can post.”
The work literary comedians do as we put down our magazines and turn on the television is more than funny; it asks fundamental questions about the way we receive, interpret, and internalize news and politics.
Leading a nation in the performance of a lifetime, Zelensky channels the greatest skills learned from his comedic beginnings to rally an embattled nation and an apathetic world against an oppressor, demonstrating the power of the red carpet.
As a comedian and journalist, Choi approaches political and societal issues in a nontraditional manner using comedy to inform her audience and shape the narrative of stories in a universal way.
China, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar follow close behind the United States, amassing 1499, 1498, 1497, 1496, 1495, and 1494 points respectively.
Within the pages of “The Farce Awakens,” our creators interrogate the role that comedy plays in our political discourse, policymaking, and collective perception of our leaders.
Absurdism is not the domain of solely college students; it is embedded in every aspect of our political life. Accordingly, in the pages of this digital magazine, "The Farce Awakens," the Harvard Political Review explores the farcical in the everyday.
To shift social power dynamics and ensure the public safety of women in our modern patriarchy, feminism must be recast as an inclusive movement built on female autonomy — independent of the eyes of men.