The classics are at once beautiful paeans to humanity and an inspiration for Mussolini, and this is not justification for their relegation or promotion. Nonetheless, as with many books in recent years, the classics have also become politicized.
The liberation movement has been misguided. So focused has it been on reclamation that it seems to have forgotten what the real aim should be: to liberate queer people.
Some 150 years after the Civil War, Americans are largely uneducated about the principles that caused it. This should be alarming to anyone who subscribes to the adage that those who disregard history are doomed to repeat it.
While some express profound admiration and reverence for the artist, others passionately argue that Kahlo profited off an exoticized, calculated self-image at the expense of Indigenous people.
Although the history books might remember the team for their unprecedented, on-field success, the USWNT’s off-field advocacy cements their place as the most influential women’s soccer team of all time.
According to the Trans Legislation Tracker, 169 bills limiting transgender healthcare have been passed so far in 2023, a steep rise from 37 bills in 2022.
To retailers, who will slap on money-making slogans without a second thought about what they represent, it’s enough to look like a feminist. It’s up to us to actually be one.