42.1 F
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
42.1 F
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
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HPRgument Blog

Silly Things Published in the NYT

I'm hardly an expert on modern warfare, but this New York Times op-ed is pretty clearly silly and deserving of refutation. Defense consultant Lara...

Harvard and the Tea Party

I really don't understand the impulse among many Harvard students (if the Crimson is any guide) to pat the Tea Partiers on the head...

Israel and Americans

I'm not always wild about The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg, but I think he has a very perceptive post about Israel's relationship with the United...

HarvardGOP.org Wages War

Perhaps inspired by the beauty that is our new blog, the Harvard GOP relaunched their website yesterday, giving harvardgop.org a patriotic, deeply American makeover....

Ross Douthat's Phony Moderateness

Ross Douthat says "Let's Make a Deal" on health care reform. Analyzing some choice quotes will illustrate his faux-centrism and tendency towards false equivalence. "The...

Has 'Engagement' with Iran Failed?

Ahmadinejad's recent announcement that Iran will proceed to weapons-grade enrichment of uranium has brought much of the Western world to its senses about talking...

Harvard Thinks Big

Harvard Thinks Big was billed as an "important" event. Its Facebook page was ebullient. Expectations were high. "A dream team of 10 Harvard professors will each...

Anti-Atheist Prejudice: Response to the Salient's Response

I'm glad to see my Crimson column of October 18 is still getting some attention! I had written that discrimination against atheists, both in...

Lesson's From Today's "Morning Joe"

  You can learn a lot by watching TV, it turns out! Here's what I learned by watching this morning's "Morning Joe." First, it's okay to...

At Least We're Not Greece Yet

So today the European Union issued its long-awaited statement on whether or not it would bail out Greece.  The answer was a clear and...