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Tuesday, February 25, 2025
40 F
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
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HPRgument Blog

A Letter to the Editor of the NY Times

To the Editor: Please explain to me the logic of an article that announces that Sonia Sotomayor has an "issue of temperament," presents exactly one...

Conservative Mental Gestures

The last few days, I've been reminded of Lionel Trilling's rather impolite description of conservatism as a philosophy expressed in "irritable mental gestures" rather...

Judges and Biography

Conservative pundits and their mainstream-media abettors are stunned, stunned I say, at the suggestion that a judge's biography might have some sort of influence...

Questions for George Will

George Will worked himself into quite a lather today about a law review article by some visiting assistant law professor at Duke that argues...

Justin Cosby, Victim of America’s Misguided Drug Policy

This past Monday Justin Cosby, 21, was shot in the basement of Kirkland House, one of Harvard’s twelve residences for upperclassmen. The tragic events...

Still Closing Guantánamo

After the Senate voted 90 – 6 against financing President Obama’s plan to close the Guantánamo Bay detention facility by January 2010, the President...

Lies, Damned Lies, and the Supreme Court

The silly brouhahas that marked the weeks leading up to last year's election have mostly been forgotten, but one might be on the verge...

Showdown in Sri Lanka

The Sri Lankan government is about to liquidate the last remaining holdout of the Tamil Tigers.  Their stalemate of a year ago has...

Thoughts on David Souter

One of the constant refrains in articles about David Souter's retirement is that replacing him with another "liberal" will not change the "basic makeup...

Byron York: Worst Person in the World

I probably can't add much to what Steve Benen said, but I feel compelled to comment on Byron York's recent column on "the black-white...