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Sunday, September 29, 2024
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Alex Castellanos: Republican Strategist

Castellanos: If Politicians Are “Only for Saying ‘No,’ Get out of Politics”

Mike McCurry: Press Secretary to President Clinton

"It was not a particularly comfortable situation" –– Mike McCurry discusses his time in the White House during the Lewinsky scandal.

Margaret Hodge: Labour MP

“It’s a bit of a David and Goliath battle.” Margaret Hodge MP takes on multi-national corporations and their tax practices.

Tom Countryman: Assistant Secretary of State

The HPR sits down with the assistant secretary of state for international security and nonproliferation to discuss Iran, Syria, and a career in the State Department.

Evan Bayh: Former Senator and Governor of Indiana

The HPR sits down with former Indiana senator and governor Evan Bayh to discuss No Labels, bipartisanship, and the national debt.

Peter Hamby: CNN Digital's National Political Reporter

The HPR sits down with reporter Peter Hamby to talk about polarization in the media, CNN's resources, and listicles.

Anna Holmes: Founder of Jezebel

The HPR interviews Jezebel founder Anna Holmes about her new book, women's magazines, and today's media.

Simon Singh: British Author and Scientific Journalist

The HPR sits down with Simon Singh to discuss his views on science journalism, libel law, and his thoughts on upcoming projects.

Alan Dershowitz – Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School

Sarah Siskind visits Professor Alan Dershowitz in his office to talk to him about his latest book, Taking the Stand: My Life in the Law.

Randi Weingarten: President of the American Federation of Teachers

The HPR sits down with Randi Weingarten to discuss best practices for public schools, supporting teachers, and the National Assessment of Educational Progress.