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Winter 2009: America and the Courts

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Legislating from the Bench

Creating precedent for the law The term “legislating from the bench” is frequently used but rarely explained. In the 2008 presidential debates Sen. John McCain...

Impartial Intentions

Methods of appointing State Supreme Court judges That law be applied fairly and impartially is a defining ideal of the American legal system. Yet while...

Civil Rights in the Courts

A changing legal landscape In American history civil rights issues have often found their footing in the high courts. Decisions such as the recent Supreme...

A Type of Justice

Judicial experience and Supreme Court nominations

A Court by Any Other Name?

Roberts, Kennedy, and Collegiality on the Supreme Court During the summer of 2006, Chief Justice John Roberts spoke publicly about the need for greater unity...

Ideology and the Courts

Obama and the conservative legal movement That a president would search for judges who are ideological allies is unsurprising, to say the least. Certainly we...

A Small Court in D.C.

How the D.C. Circuit Court shaped the war on terror We have assumed, as we must, that the allegations made in the Government’s charge against...

Warming the Bench

Obama's nominations will be liberal, but not in the conventional sense For better or for worse, people will view it as historically significant,” mused Harvard...