61.2 F
Saturday, October 5, 2024
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The Libertarian Perspective

Weighing in: Rep. Peter King is a Threat to National Security

Radicalization may be a danger, but Peter King is making it worse.

Japan and Broken Windows

The myth of "productive destruction" in the wake of the disaster in Japan

Open Letter to Representative Peter King

The hearings on the radicalization of American Muslims should be stopped.

Guns on Campus?

Who should decide whether or not to allow guns on campuses?

Interview with Austrian Economist Mark Thornton

The housing bubble, gold jewelry, and a Keynes versus Hayek rap battle

Big Brother, Can I Borrow Some Sugar?

The Federal government has gone too far in regulating the sugar industry, indirectly worsening the quality of food products like soft drinks.

In Defense of a Man and a Movement

Ron Paul and the movement he represents can not be ignored by the conservative establishment any longer.

Funding for Abortion; Libertarian Nuances

The Planned Parenthood controversy and how libertarians really see abortion

Weighing In: Giffords And Guns

Update concerning the Congresswoman: Fortunately, Rep. Giffords has continued her miraculously speedy recovery, and is starting rehab. We can only continue to hope and...

Marijuana From A to Z: Politics of Stupidity

Legalization of the oft-stigmatized drug is the only option. I was eating an absolutely delectable meal at the dining hall several nights ago, minding my...