Slavery and anti-Blackness are deeply ingrained in American institutions, and prison labor is just one of the thinly veiled systems used to perpetuate it.
Increasing police funding is counterproductive. Instead, a more effective way to stop violent crime is to invest in social programs that address the root causes of crime.
Abolition of the current system of criminal punishment should be the ultimate goal, and the implementation of restorative justice in the prosecution system is the first and most crucial step to get us there.
As Congress looks to pass the Build Back Better Act, one of the main roadblocks for it is the amount of debt it will require to fund its programs. What will the effects of this debt be, and is there anything Congress can do about it?
The Central Maine Power Corridor would bring renewable energy into the New England energy grid, helping reduce fossil fuel reliance in the region. Mainers are consistently sympathetic to environmental goals, yet nearly 60% of them voted against the project. How did this happen?
Carceral justice in America cannot make up for the deaths of Rittenhouse’s victims, nor for Jacob Blake, whose shooting they were protesting. We should instead shift our focus to ensure our policies and laws reflect our morals.
While one may argue that incarcerated people should be satisfied to have any work or income at all, the conditions of their “employment” are not livable.
The fear of hyperpartisan politics dominates political discourse across local and national media. But when looked at through a historian's lens, bipartisanship has resulted in the most destructive domestic and foreign policies in recent history.
In all of the struggles that he found himself a part of, there was a profound honesty and integrity that came with him. Perhaps, on this day, we can finally begin a trend of honest discourse that lives up to the truth-seeking reverend from Georgia.
Human connection is a human right. A child should always be able to talk to their parents; a partner should always be given the right to talk to their significant other.