50.5 F
Saturday, March 1, 2025
50.5 F
Saturday, March 1, 2025
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United States

#BlackLivesMatter: A Silver Lining to the Movement’s Aesthetic

Black Lives Matter lives on digital oxygen. In America, ideas and political movements have two fates: They either become aesthetics, or they die.

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Raises Questions of Efficacy and Ethics

As Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine approaches the market, healthcare officials will face the dilemma of fairly allocating the less effective vaccine. Why would someone at high risk for severe COVID-19 complications want to take a slightly less protective product if a better option is readily available?

Big Tech’s Corrective Politics Is Unsustainable, If Not Devastating

Big Tech has been the protagonist of America’s decades-long love affair with misinformation. Now, a full Trump term and one Capitol Hill catastrophe later, the behemoths of Silicon Valley are attempting to cast themselves as main actors again, only this time on the nation’s political stage.

Anxious for Change: Youth Hopes for the Biden Administration Meet Reality

Biden ran on an ambitious, progressive policy platform that has many youth voters excited. How effectively Biden delivers for these young Americans, who rallied behind him despite their misgivings, will be a defining metric of his unprecedented presidency.

Out of a Job

There is no doubt that Trump’s vision will continue to influence Republican Party politics, and there is quite a large chance that he himself will not be leaving either. But, as it stands, he is currently out of a job, so where does he go next?

One Size Does Not Fit All: A Case Against the UBI in America

While it is undeniable that our current welfare system has its problems, our focus should be on fixing it, rather than implementing an expensive and less effective system like UBI.

Moving Forward: Looking at the Relationship Between the Fed and Treasury

A new relationship could have wide-reaching economic impacts on the speed of economic growth, inflation, economic stability and jobs.

Capital Punishment: Trump’s Most Enduring Legacy

The last Supreme Court case to deal explicitly with the constitutionality of the death penalty –– particularly charges that it violates the “cruel and...

Record Colorado Fire Season: A Testament to the Need for Climate Policy

Record wildfires are a testament to the change of climate as a product of manmade neglect of the environment. We must move toward substantial climate policy to prevent further destruction.

The Impeachment Sequel Shouldn’t Be Made

Impeaching President Trump will not reverse or mitigate cross-party animosity, but it could cast a pall over President-elect Biden’s promise to help heal the nation’s wounds.