As the daughter of “low-skilled” immigrants, I hope to convey what has always been abundantly clear to me: that the well-being of foreigners matters, and that low-skilled immigrants add so much value to the economy and our lives.
The 2020s decade could end up being a pivotal one in the future of outer space exploration and more specifically the role that private companies will play in that dynamic.
Is a racially diverse, working-class oriented, climate-conscious, youth-engaged, women-led and suburbanly-polished party grounded in cross-cutting conservatism a future for the GOP? Perhaps.
During these frustrating circumstances, we now must call upon the laboratories of democracy. If the federal government is unable to pass or sufficiently implement policies that increase the welfare of the people, the onus must be on the states to pass such policies instead.
The narrative around Georgia’s runoffs should be that McConnell’s possible retention of the Senate majority would ensure four years of political gridlock — not just of progressive legislation, but of basic governmental functions.
There were several state-level measures that even made national headlines such as Alaska’s and Massachusetts’ efforts to implement ranked-choice voting and Florida’s Amendment 2 that would raise the minimum wage in the state. The jurisdictional differences between these levels of government matter and should influence how voters take the time to inform themselves.
Closing the digital learning gap will take work — with an increase in access to technology resources, one-to-one policies that ensure each student has a laptop, and a commitment to ensuring that families have adequate internet.
This November, the island held its third status referendum of the decade, but regardless of its results — which favored statehood — the vote seems inconsequential. True power to amend Puerto Rico’s colonial relationship with the United States lies in the hands of the seemingly complacent federal government, where the people of the island have no representation.
We have been seen and heard, but when will we be listened to? I hope this is something that Biden and the Democratic Party are thinking about, and I hope it is something that voters think about as well.
While the debate over intern pay has traditionally been in the name of fairness and cost of living, the conversation has overlooked a dimension to be modeled: the Founders’ constitutional intent in creating a government of the people.