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Saturday, January 11, 2025
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United States

For Students with Disabilities, a Pandemic’s Threat to Hard-Fought Educational Rights

In the absence of clear federal guidance and additional funding, many parents, teachers, and experts worry that students with disabilities will face devastating and potentially irreversible learning loss as the pandemic takes its course.

What Happens Now?

With a battle over Ginsburg’s replacement on the horizon, the nation must reckon with the reality of how the loss of one justice has the potential to affect the liberties of so many.

Amid Calls for Racial Justice, Will Protesters Find Their Way to the Ballot Box?

Amid national outrage over racial inequality, the past several months have seen millions of protesters take to the streets and demand justice for Black...

COVID-19 Fuels the Need for Renewable Energy in North Dakota

The COVID-19 pandemic has slowed oil production, presenting an opportunity to reconsider the future of North Dakota’s economy and landscape.

America is in Denial Over its Right-Wing Terrorists

As stay-at-home protests coincide with these concerning trends in race relations, one title still remains frustratingly absent from the descriptions of many of the protesters: terrorists.

It’s About Time Democrats Stop Stereotyping and Shaming. Especially If They Want to Win.

A basket of deplorables. Racist. Sexist. Homophobic. Then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton categorized one half of the Trump voter base this way just three months...

The Anti-Expert Pandemic

As America responds to the coronavirus pandemic, this politicization of the disease and ignorance of health guidelines hinders public health efforts. Americans across the ideological spectrum must put ideological biases aside and open up channels of conversation with scientific experts and fellow citizens with diverging views.

Rural School Consolidation is Not the Answer

If we sit still, rural America might not recover — and certainly will not forget.

Quarantining Students Will Widen Achievement Gaps

School reopening plans need to account for the upcoming exclusion of vulnerable populations; if these students are most likely to be quarantined and struggle to learn remotely while their peers return to in-person schooling, the already widening disparities in learning outcomes will only increase.

Why Goya’s Statement is a Betrayal of Latinx Communities

“Oh look, it’s the sound of me Googling ‘how to make your own Adobo,’” tweeted Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on July 9, a few hours after a White House event where Goya Foods’ CEO, Robert Unanue, bestowed praise on President Trump. “We are truly blessed… to have a leader like President Trump who is a builder. That’s what my grandfather did, he came to this country to build, to grow to prosper,” said Unanue following Trump’s signing of the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative, an executive order aiming to increase economic and educational opportunities for Latinx communities in the U.S.