56.3 F
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
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United States

Young People Aren't Sure Who to Trust

Wariness of politics is a bipartisan phenomenon.

More Millennials Hoping for Aggressive Foreign Policy

Young people seem to want an aggressive foreign policy.

The GOP Can Win Hispanics Over

Hispanic voters are demanding more from the Democratic Party, but voting registration numbers are low.

GOP Strategy Fails to Draw Youth Approval

Young people trust the GOP even less than they did in 2009.

Understanding Young Conservatives' Opinions on ISIS

Classified by political ideology, rates of support for airstrikes are roughly equal.

Without Obama on Ballot, Democrats Try to Activate Young Black Voters

2014's youth voting numbers aren't any better than 2010's.

#HarvardYouthPoll: Analyzing Harvard's Fall 2014 Poll of Young Americans

The HPR's exclusive analysis of the Fall 2014 Harvard Public Opinion Project Poll

Campaign Finance after Citizens United

Both parties appear to be fully vested in the new system. So how can we get money out of politics?

Six, More Equal, Californias

Much like the seventh-inning stretch and the post-Thanksgiving nap, secession ranks high among American pastimes. Alongside the more well known – the South from...

The Numbers on Party Polarization

The data indicate that party polarization has gradually increased over the past 20 years with sharp spikes in 1994 and 2010 corresponding to the Tea Party and Republican Revolution. However, party polarization is not the only factor causing Congressional gridlock.