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Monday, September 30, 2024
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United States

Mitt Romney's Harvard Problem

Romney's air of disconnectedness will continue to haunt him in the nominating process.

America, Drones, and the Future of Combat

The HPR examines the psychological effects and expansion of presidential powers behind drone warfare.

Legislation Watch

Dissecting current legislation on marijuana, bills, and Internet regulation

On the Docket

Supreme Court examines Miller v. Alabama and Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum

Another Needless Drug War Tragedy

The death of a Georgia teen underscores the need for drug policy reform.

Super Tuesday Results Roundup

The HPR recaps Super Tuesday and what it means for the Republican Party.

Rethinking Christie's Gay Marriage Veto

The Left's anger with Governor Christie is misguided and hypocritical.

A $1.3 Trillion Hole

President Obama's proposed budget demonstrates that this administration is not even remotely serious about getting America's fiscal house in order.

The Primary Parallel

Why Romney '12 looks a lot like Clinton '08.

A Different Look at Electability

Think Mitt Romney is the only "electable" one? Consider this.