37.7 F
Saturday, March 1, 2025
37.7 F
Saturday, March 1, 2025
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United States

The Court, Privacy, and GPS Tracking

The government tracking citizens with GPS presents 1984-esque possibilities for the Supreme Court to ponder.

Jobs for Congress: Rewriting the Obama Plan

The President’s plan won’t solve much on its own

Super but Silent

Should Americans love the Congressional Supercommittee?

Caught Red Handed

Corporate cash in politics distorts democracy

Policing the Street

Financial regulations will prove ineffective

Secret Cyber Wars Are Here To Stay

A revolutionary computer virus that shut down Iran's nuclear centrifuges opens the door to all sorts of scary possibilities.

The Debate Over Net Neutrality

The argument over net neutrality is raging in Congress and the courts, but should the government change a system that might not be broken?

An Unconstitutional Debate

America’s obsession with the Constitution affects modern American politics

Rick Perry’s Rise and Fall

The Texas Governor Won’t Be the GOP Nominee

HPR Podcast: Occupy

Answering questions on the Occupy movement and what it means for protest, the national dialogue, and our generation.