33.7 F
Saturday, March 8, 2025
33.7 F
Saturday, March 8, 2025
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The Americas

A War Not Forgotten

How the legacy of civil war will affect El Salvador's ex-guerrilla president.

"Hit by 700,000 Bullets"

Escaping the Argentine Economic Dilemma

Protests in Venezuela Worsen

As the protests have escalated to more dangerous levels, the international media remains largely inactive.

The Grim Reality of Venezuelan Protests

The Venezuelan government's crackdowns on protesters are emblematic of its history and its failures.

Chile's Bizarre Presidential Election

Analyzing the race's eccentric candidates.

On the Infrastructure of Trans-Pacific Trade

How the Trans-Pacific Partnership could render the Panama Canal obsolete.

Peña Nieto and the Unions

The Dirty Politics of Mexican Education

The Legacy of Hugo Chávez

The late president's bold, unique governing style fostered crime, corruption, and stifling government inefficiency.

The End of the Chavez Era

Reflections on a controversial leader.

The Politics of Brazilian Hip-Hop

Priyanka Menon explains the political nature of Brazil's hip-hop scene, and its importance to the country as a whole.