40.7 F
Sunday, March 30, 2025
40.7 F
Sunday, March 30, 2025
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Middle East

Why Building a Governing Coalition is Difficult in Israel

Election results from Tuesday’s fourth election indicate both Netanyahu and his rivals could face a daunting task to muster a majority coalition: Uniting sprawling political factions divided on security, religious issues, and opinions of Netanyahu is a tough feat.

Pocketbook Protests: Small Price Changes that Trigger Mass Protests

Sometimes it is the tiniest spark that lights the largest fires.

Lebanon on Life Support: Protest Amidst COVID-Fueled Crisis

This week, as convoys of Lebanese protesters ebb back into Martyrs’ Square, reigniting the animus towards their dysfunctional regime, we are reminded that the masses have only been biding their time in the flanks of this public health crisis, intent on continuing their cause.

The Gulf Cooperation Council in an Evolving Middle East

The GCC seems poised to remain unified on military matters even as its members' economic policies diverge.

Tragedy in Ankara

Saturday's bombings in Ankara reflect rapidly escalating tensions within Turkish borders.

The Case for Qatar

Qatar has shown its a worthy World Cup host.

Revolution or Reform?

Internal Iranian politics surrounding the nuclear deal may signal a leftward shift within the country.

Turkey Between Elections

The long-standing Turkish leadership is facing new threats from historically underrepresented groups.

The Iran Nuclear Deal: Myths and Misconceptions Busted

The majority of opposition to the deal has been overstated and based on false premises.

Turkey's Troubled Intervention

Turkey’s increasingly complicated policies, and apparently disparate motives within the region, suggest resolution to the conflict in the greater Levant area will require a more unified and directed effort from all involved parties.