Organ harvests, forced sterilization of women, psychological torture, and forced family separations—the hallmarks of the Xinjiang region in China. Uyghur Muslims live in fear...
Xi Jinping’s superpower could likely cut off much of Southeast Asia’s access to water if it desired, but could also succumb to its own water woes. How China manages its liquid gold will not only affect its own fate but the fate of hundreds of millions of thirsty citizens across the continent.
In an ideal world, a global pandemic would lead to unprecedented international cooperation. Similar to the unity of citizens following a domestic terrorist attack...
In the age of COVID-19, there is no better time to address the root cause of pandemics — the way in which human interact with the environment — and change our legacy from that of “parasite” to nature’s advocate.
Large balloon elephant labelled "racism" at protest.
The Nordic countries are well known for topping charts globally in education, equality, and happiness levels. Nordic welfare...
Until multinational corporations are held accountable for their crimes, illegal logging will continue to devastate forests, threaten indigenous people, and make overcoming the climate crisis ever more difficult.
Australian leaders are caught between competing sirens. It is in neither China’s nor the United States’ best interests to make Australia choose — and, for Australia, perhaps the best choice is neither.
In a distinctly ironic and deeply tragic parallelism, despotic regimes are instrumentalising George Floyd’s death to hold a mirror to a Janus-faced America – an America whose avowed principles of justice and liberty have fallen afoul of their victims both abroad and at home.