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Saturday, January 11, 2025
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India's Missing Piece

The fortune of India's economy is inextricably linked to that of its women.

Yes Scotland or Better Together?

In the wake of British patriotic display, the Yes Scotland and Better Together camps battle for the future of Scotland.

In Egypt, Imagining Alternatives to Morsi

As Egypt settles into a Morsi presidency, it is important to imagine alternative voices of Egyptian national aspiration.

Reframing the Idea of Progress

Beyond the failure to develop systemic alternatives at Rio+20, Bhutan and others pave way with new paradigms of 'progress'.

Ending Nepal's Hegemonic Tryst

After centuries of Indian domination, Nepal would be wise to cultivate a wider set of diplomatic ties in order to keep its southern neighbor at bay.

Reflections on the Revolution in Syria

Why we must not conflate human rights and natural rights.

The Israeli Defense Force and National Identity

Israeli army service is as much about building a cohesive identity as it is about national defense.

The Olympic Paradox

Why the biggest party on the planet better be fun.

Who’s Going to Bail Out the Bailout?

Spain's failed economic strategy has several fundamental flaws.

Morsi Wins: Alexandria's Electoral Celebration

As Alexandria celebrates Mohamed Morsi's election, I'll be keeping abreast of revolutionary developments in Egypt's second city.