63.2 F
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
63.2 F
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Special coverage of the 2024 General Election from the HPR staff

Seven Stories, Seven States

“Seven Stories, Seven States” focuses on which state and local trends are driving voters in the key swing states. It is my hope that the writers of the Harvard Political Review — many of whom are natives of the states on which they write — can share insights into the inner workings of these locales. With this series, I hope that we can help our readers appreciate the often-undervalued local aspect of our politics as we approach Election Day.

Joshua Layne, Senior U.S. Editor

Editor’s Note: Politics is Local

“All politics is local,” the phrase popularized by the late Speaker Tip O’Neill, may be a...

Can Democrats Take the Tarheel State?

The North Carolina polls and their twists and turns have mirrored the ups and downs of...

Michigan’s Decisive Counties: The Areas That Will Swing the 2024 Election

Introduction Since arriving at Harvard College, I have repeatedly heard the following question from...

Arizona: The Pendulum State

As both parties scramble to win Arizona’s 11 electoral votes, all eyes will be on the 1.4 million...

The Peach State’s Power Play

In a state where every vote will count, Georgia’s choice could well be America’s future...

Winning America’s Dairyland

To win over Wisconsin, and the United States in the 2024 presidential election, candidates must win...

Michigan: The Nation’s Deciding State

Michigan’s political landscape is undergoing a transformation, reshaping long-standing norms and...

Pennsylvania: The Electoral Keystone

Pennsylvania and its residents are far more than a mere prize to be won in this election. What its...

Nevada: Not Your Average Swing State

Nevada stands out among the seven key swing states in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election. Unlike...

Pennsylvania: Not Just 19 Electoral Votes

The clock is ticking, and all eyes are on Pennsylvania. With the most electoral votes of...

Just Vote Bro: Trump’s Last Shot at Winning the Election

As Election Day approaches, Trump has prioritized “bro shows” over conventional campaigning in hopes that historically-overlooked young male voters will cast Republican ballots...

Follow the Money: Campaign Fundraising in 2024

Following the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling in 2010, super PACs have flooded our elections with unlimited amounts of money. These independent fundraising organizations have changed campaign fundraising without ever being in direct connection with campaigns. The 2016 election cycle cost about $6.5 billion, and the 2020 election came in at a whopping...

Shifting Direction: An Analysis of Demographic Shifts Post-Biden

Democrats’ nomination of Kamla Harris has favorably shifted three key voting blocs toward the VP: Black Americans, older women, and the youth. In an election this tight, even small demographic shifts will make a difference...

Did Presidential Plot Twists of 2024 Actually Matter?

The 2024 Presidential contest will be remembered for its cascade of catastrophes...

HPR 2024 Presidential Election Forecast

Three members of the HPR’s 56th Masthead took Harvard’s election analytics course. Here are their predictions for the 2024 Presidential Election...

Swing for the Fences: House Races to Watch on Election Day

From the West Coast to the far Northeast, here are five key House races that could be turning heads in November...

119th Congress: A Fundamentals Forecast

We predict that the Democrats will regain control of the House with 222 seats to the GOP’s 213...

Survey Says? Unpacking the Issues that Matter Most to Voters

Which issues will define this November’s election outcome?...

Our Billion-Dollar Election Problem

To see who our elections benefit, all you have to do is follow the money...

Why Gen Z Isn’t Voting this Election

Forty-one million young voters have the power to alter the future of our country this November, and making these young voices heard is vital to ensuring the stability of American democracy...

Kamala Harris Ignites Gen Z — But Democracy Needs More Than Excitement

The FPTP system’s suppression of viable third-party alternatives to the two major party candidates is undemocratic...

The Keys to the House: PA-10 and the Trajectory of Congressional Politics

This uncharacteristically competitive Democratic primary and the emergence of former news anchor Janelle Stelson as the winning candidate encapsulate the spirit of political uncertainty that has been growing in Pennsylvania’s Tenth Congressional district...

Another Trump Presidency Means Jeopardizing International Alliances

If another “America first” Trump presidency is inaugurated in 2025, the security of every single NATO country may be threatened...

With Fear for Our Democracy, I Vote

The choice is clear: to defend our democratic institutions and the rule of law or to allow their erosion at the hands of unchecked power...

Appealing to the Moderate: Biden, Immigration, and a Looming Election

If Biden hopes to win the upcoming 2024 presidential election, he must undertake executive action that maintains a bipartisan, moderate approach to immigration, a stance that is unlikely to appeal to progressives in his party...

Paving the Path: The Hidden Hurdles for A Female Presidency

By examining the well-loved characteristics of past male presidents, exploring public biases, and recalling the success of women in leadership, we can gain insight into how to overcome gender biases and hopefully turn many little girls’ presidential dreams into reality...

Abolishing the Electoral College Might Not Be As Hard As You Think

The political appetite for replacing the Electoral College is rising, and the NPVIC represents a viable solution gaining traction...

The Spoiled Election: Independents and the 2024 Election

The Harvard Public Opinion Project’s Spring 2024 Youth Poll provides a key glimpse into what role third party candidates will play in the outcome of November’s presidential election...

Young Voices, Old Beliefs: The Role of Gender Norms in Shaping Young Political Identities

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, a crisis in masculinity has taken center stage as an organizing issue for the Republican Party and broader right-wing movement. A new and powerful rhetoric imbued with a sense of loss, fear, and anger has transformed gender politics...

There’s No Ignoring the Border

The Harvard Public Opinion Project’s Spring 2024 Youth Poll provides a key glimpse into what role immigration and the border will actually play in terms of shaping the outcome of November’s presidential election...

Presenting The Harvard Public Opinion Project’s Spring 2024 Youth Poll

This year, HPOP conducted its first round of polling and sampling between late February and early March, receiving responses from a random sample of 2,010 young Americans on a wide range of issues. Now, with the 2024 presidential election more than underway, their results come at a vital time for public discourse...

Engaged & Disillusioned: Insights on Youth Turnout for 2024

According to the 47th Harvard Youth Poll, about as many young Americans plan on voting in the 2024 presidential election as in 2020. However, from disapproval of America’s foreign policies to declining institutional trust, young voters are more pessimistic than ever...

#CeasefireNow: Examining the 2020s’ Evolution of Social Media, Advocacy and Youth Participation

Given the current geopolitical and national significance of the Israel-Hamas war, understanding the perspectives of young Americans — a group that notably leans pro-Palestine — is crucial, especially given the outsized influence this demographic has exerted in shaping public narratives about the war on college campuses as well as across social media...

Republicans, Evangelicals Drive Youth Opposition to Same-Sex Relationships

As a quarter of young Americans say that same-sex relationships are “morally wrong,” major divides fall along lines of party and religion...

Declining Youth Trust in American Institutions Shows No Signs of Stopping

Three years out from Biden’s inaugural promises of unity, it seems that partisan fractures are far from healed — and that his own party is less than convinced by his performance...

Why Democratic Youth Aren’t Planning to Vote in 2024

The year 2024 is a watershed moment in the history of democracy and voting. An unprecedented number of nations, encompassing over half of the global population, are poised to participate in nationwide elections — the highest number in history. Yet, in a striking contrast, the United States, which celebrated its highest voter turnout of the...