
The HPR welcomes original pitches and submissions from Harvard undergraduates to be published in any of our five online sections: Culture, Local, Science and Technology, U.S., and World. Students should feel free to submit at any stage of the writing process — our editors will work with you on anything from an article idea to a complete draft. If you are interested in submitting a complete draft, be aware that you will still be expected to work with an HPR editor to finalize the piece, and that the article will likely not be published exactly as submitted.

Article submissions have now moved to Notion ( If you are interested in submitting a piece but have not yet been added to the HPR Notion page or are not familiar with the process, please reach out to Managing Editor Muskaan at

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept submissions from non-Harvard College students, and we cannot publish anything that has appeared in print or online elsewhere. Before submitting, please read through our policies here. If you have questions or concerns about our editing process, including possible conflicts of interest, please contact our Staff Director James McAffrey.