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Summer 2009

Urban America

Volume 36, Number 2, Summer 2009.

Letter from the Editor

Urban America

The Ten-Year Plan


Daring to end homelessness

The Future of Urban Education

Tiffany wen and jyoti jasrasaria

The impact of new innovation on urban school systems

Cities Without Limits

Chris danello and ashley fabrizio

How long-term factors drive municipal economies

A New Approach to a Chronic Issue

Lynn Yi

Affordable housing in uncertain times

Congestion Pricing

Peyton Miller

The future of urban transportation

Ending the Shootout

Candice Kountz and Isabel Kaplan

The importance of community-basd responses to gang violence

The Machinations of Urban Politics


What Israel in Gaza tells us about modern warfare

It’s Not All ‘Gentrification’

Richard Coffin

The connection between economic diversity and urban renewal

United States

Much Ado About Polling

Jeremy Patashnik

Concers over the role of the poll are misguided

The Politics of Line Drawing

Taylor Lane

The future of gerrymandering after the 2010 census

Helping the Homeless

Pooja Venkatraman

Should housing really come first?

Should Everyone Go to College?

Chris Lafortune

Obama’s education plan


Closer, But No Cigar


Anticipating a new era of engagement with Cuba

More Secretary than General?

Shreya Maheshwari

Ban Ki-moon’s first two years at the United Nations

The Shia Awakening

Ashley Robinson

Sunni-Shia conflict and the logic of containment

Ping-Pong with Pyongyang

Samir Patel

Can six-party stakeholders return the next volley?

Defending the Defense

Daniel Handlin

Russia’s campaign against missile defense in Europe

Colombia’s War on Terror

Jose o’Brien and Robert Long

Have the FARC finally met their match?

Books and Arts

Watching ‘Watchmen’

Jonathan Yip

The dangers of translating comics to the big screen

Things to Come

Peter Bacon

George Friedman’s geopolitical prophecy

Big Aspirations, Smaller Results

Nicholas Tatsis

How much have Texan oilmen shaped America?

Power Play

Max Novendstern

How inequality can spiral out of control

To Build an Empire

Elizabeth Bloom

Tolerance and hyperpowers

Too Soon to Tell

Steven Johnston

Predicting political realignment

Hip-Hop President

Alec Barrett

How Obama will influence the genre


From Class to Work

Gabby Bryant

Former Secretary of Labor on the future of the workforce

Beyond the Achievement Gap

Alexander Copulsky

Richard Rothstein on the challenges facing American education

Life on the Hill

Sam Barr

Jim Himes on his journey from Goldman Sachs to Capitol Hill

A History Lesson for President Obama


What 44 can learn from 35

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