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Sunday, September 29, 2024
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The Narrow Corridor to Liberty: An Interview with Daron Acemoglu

"There is no doubt in my mind that the U.S. is going through one of the most critical periods in its history, and that its institutions are truly in danger – some of them have been damaged in a way that is going to be very difficult to repair."

The Ethics of Overcoming a Pandemic: Interview with Danielle Allen

"In the world right now, there are so many people who are trying to figure out solutions. And they’re working hard. We just don’t happen to know them. And so none of us can project from the current moment what the horizons of possibility are. So you have to be open to recognizing that the horizons of possibility can surprise you and that the best way to activate those positive surprises is to take the 'Failure is not an option' attitude."

Storytelling Without a Script: Interview with Smriti Mundhra

"The greatest moments are when I realize that the film I thought I was making is totally different from where the film is going, and I have to throw the playbook out the window. That’s when I know I’m onto something because I’m expanding my perception."

Bringing Down the World’s Largest Heist: Interview with Clare Rewcastle Brown

"I’m someone with nothing to lose, because I don’t have corporate interests, I don’t have corporate allies – I’m not worried about whether I will get thrown out or whether my company gets thrown out of a country that we’ve criticized."

Protests, Politics, and the Palmyra: Interview with Rima el-Husseini

"The Palmyra Hotel is the story of every Lebanese living through the country’s ups and downs – from its Golden Era to what are now some of its worst days. And now more than ever, the Palmyra Hotel is a looking-glass for me. It is the perfect symbol of cross-cultural communication over time."

Interview with Dr. Sriram Shamasunder Part II: Promoting Health Equity After COVID-19

"If you want to really shift health equity in communities, you have to sit with community organizations and people asking questions in ways that community health workers do, who have understandings of communities in ways that physicians don’t."

Interview with Dr. Sriram Shamasunder Part I: COVID-19 and Health Inequities Laid Bare

"We’ve failed to reckon with the deep inequality that existed before COVID-19. I’m hoping as we go into the future, past COVID-19, that this is really a reckoning – especially in healthcare but in every sector – that we have to pay attention to our most vulnerable populations."

Meet the Fellows: An Interview with Tiffany Cross

"The people who are responsible for the content that lands in our newspapers or that lands on our television screens, 90% of those people do not look like the rising majority of America."

COVID-19 Restrictions, Reopening, and Resurgence: An Interview with Dr. Robert Citronberg

"Even though the right thing to do from a medical standpoint is still to stay apart, we understand that the economy is really suffering and really hurting. We have to make every effort to reopen the economy with the least risk. It’s not going to ever be without risk, but we just need to use the strategies that are going to mitigate the risk."

Reproductive Rights in the Time of COVID-19: An Interview with Neta Meltzer

"We see patients coming in, and it’s up to us to serve them. We recognize our status as a safe-haven region for reproductive health care. We’re intent on protecting that for our patients locally and for those beyond our borders as well."