59.1 F
Sunday, September 29, 2024
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Interview with Dr. Gaurab Basu II: A COVID-19 Response Guided by Science

"We’ve got to acknowledge that while we are employing social distancing practices to have very major benefits for the epidemiology of this pandemic, it also has a lot of other implications for people, and mental health is one of them."

Interview with Dr. Gaurab Basu I: Equity in a Pandemic

"There’s so much public policy that can help us be a care-seeking society. That’s what advocacy means to me: to speak and enter the public forum, to fight for our patients, to say that when we create structures in our society and in our public policy, we can do better to honor every person’s dignity."

In the Time of COVID-19, Women Demand More: An Interview with Melissa Boteach

"When women are centered, everybody does better. … When you help women and especially, multiply marginalized women, the ripple effects of that help everyone. And if we want to build the kind of society that we want, that’s the path forward."

Agtech is all the Buzz: An Interview with Ellie Symes on The Bee Corp

"If you’re working on a beekeeping club, what you’re doing is amazing and incredible. You are being a part of educating the next generation going into the workforce that’s going to better understand the important role that pollinators are playing in our ecosystem and economy."

Discord in Global Politics: An Interview with Professor Robert Keohane

"A general principle is that support and political influence in an organization will be correlated. If a country has lots of influence within an organization, they will support it. If they don’t have much influence, they’re likely to be quite critical of it."

Inside the International Court of Justice: An Interview with Judge James Crawford

"There are very few judges who maintain a completely consistent position in a career which might last 30 years. It’s part of the balance; it’s a background factor. Individual judges still have to decide the individual cases on their merits as they see them."

The Pursuit of Global Justice: Interview with Geoffrey Robertson

"73 years is the length of time that it has taken to get to a stage where we have still not yet fully delivered on the Nuremberg promise — that those who commit crimes against humanity will be punished."

Meet the Fellows: An Interview with Bill Walker

"Politics is a duty or obligation in which you serve for a term or two, and then return to your previous line of work. The problem is that there’s so much focus on reelection, that politicians barely have time to do the job. And that’s no way to do business."

Meet the Fellows: Interview with Tara Setmayer

"We need to continue to hold Trump and his surrogates accountable for mistruths and misleading statements to the American people and giving them a false sense of security when it comes to the coronavirus."

Meet the Fellows: An Interview with Mark Harvey

"We need to unleash the American spirit toward volunteerism in this very tough time, and I think doing so will help people focus on what can actually be done across their communities."