In order to live up to its democratic values, the Iowa Democratic Party will eventually need to bite the bullet and transition to a presidential primary.
Establishing a sustainable alternative to incarceration for the seriously mentally ill will require collaboration between multiple sectors and systems.
In the face of this global pandemic and the grim future of rapid job loss and burgeoning economic inequality that unavoidably lies ahead, a universal basic income is needed more urgently than ever before.
Everywhere it has been employed, ranked choice voting has resulted in cleaner elections with outcomes supported by more of the population than those produced through the dated two-party system.
To appease older swing voters, it seems that candidates will ultimately move away from platforms centered around climate change and toward ones based on more traditional issues like the economy, national security, and electability.
Arizona must effectively allocate and protect its groundwater, a crucial step in an age when climate change renders uncertain the future of renewable water sources such as the Colorado River.